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"Letting go"
about mother and daughter,
acryl on canvas

I feel lucky to have my own daughter in on this process!
It has been hours of idling at the cafe, in front of the camera and countless hours of drawing exercise.
I want to mix detailed drawing with a slightly more rough but mild expression.

It is the relationship between mother and daughter in a given period of life that occupies me.
My Mette has been 23 years old this year, the same age as me when I gave birth to her.

What I want the series to reflect is a mother's experience of seeing her daughter grow up and a daughter who grows up.
At times, the distinction experienced is erased, that it can be so close that it is perceived as own.

I want to let the viewer experience if it is "mother" or "daughter" their feeling / experience in the different pictures in the series - maybe there are both.

Mette is used as a model throughout the coming series.

First picture out is called "let go"

It is the relationship between mother and daughter in a given period of life that occupies me.

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